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Mindful Movement | Better Sex

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023 @ 6:00pm ET

“Sex is not a thing you do it’s a place you go.” - Esther Perel

We offered the first iteration of this workshop in early in 2020 and was inspired by the eye-opening stat that 1 in 3 women report experiencing pain during sex. Our approach has evolved since then, but unfortunately that stat hasn't.

When you are intimate with a partner, or even yourself, are you in your head or in your body? Are you anxious or preoccupied by discomfort so much so that feelings of pleasure feel distant?

In this 90 minute workshop we will employ physical (foundational Pilates), intuitive (meditation and reiki), and emotional (journaling and discussion) strategies. These strategies will allow us to explore how to find deeper awareness of where we are in vulnerable intimate moments, and where we want to go in order to access the pleasure we all have a right to bask in!

Everyone deserves to feel good in their body, to feel pleasure, in their body, to have good, healthy, healing, respectful, honoring sex. However please note, at this time for this workshop we are inviting in all women to attend.

Your investment to attend: $30